الدكتورة كاترين أونوها - Thermographer المهنية في مركز الطب الطبيعي من ليكلاند فلوريدا الشاملة للرعاية الصحية الطب

Dr. كاثرين أونوها
الدكتوراه, RPH, BCPP, CPH

المهنية Thermographer الدكتور. Catherine Onuoha was classically trained to appreciate Western Medical techniques at the كلية الطب في ولاية فرجينيا (MCV). وقالت الدكتوراه حصل في MCV هي على درجة الدكتوراه الانضباط المزدوج في علم العقاقير و علم السموم. بعد المدرسة الطبية, Dr. متابعة أونوها المتقدمة العلمية العصبية تدريب في معهد والتر ريد للأبحاث (WRAIR). وبمجرد الانتهاء لها برنامج الإقامة WRAIR, Dr. وجدت كاثرين العمل في المجال الأكاديمي ليكون مجزيا. أونوها مناصب الأستاذية لأكثر من عقد من الزمان, التدريس في مؤسسات القطاعين العام والخاص. كان لها تهمة التعليمية لتثقيف المهنيين الوليدة في العديد من التخصصات الطبية (الصيادلة, الممرضات, دكتوراه في جراحة العظام, التخدير, ومساعدي الأطباء).

Throughout her academic years, Dr. Catherine dedicated some time each week to consultations with a patient base either within hospital clinics or in outpatient settings. Patient care continues to hold priority in Catherine’s work week. She is passionate about providing her patients compassionate, need-based medical care from a functional and naturalhealing perspective.

Although Dr. Onuoha portends professorial work is meaningful, in fact, she loved it–a wee voice of intuition began working within her during 2014. To honor and trust this intuition, Dr. Onuoha began searching clinic work environments and was resolute in her quest to devote all of her time to patient care. In January of 2015, Dr. Catherine joined Dr. Carol Chandler at the Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland. The two Doctors formed an easy collaboration since they share a similar vision of homeopathic healthcare in accordance with Natural and Alternative Healthcare methods.

Dr. Carol Chandler and Catherine collaboratively have continued the tradition of utilizing Thermography as a powerful discovery tool to help clients far and near our community to achieve optimal health. Dr. Catherine is professionally trained to use Thermography as a unique tool to transduce physiologic changes. Catherine secondarily completed a rigorous training regimen under Dr. Carol Chandler a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Master Herbalist. Catherine assumed responsibility for running the Natural Medicine Center’s Herbal Pharmacy. The business collaboration has been seamless and engendered great patient feedback. Therefore, Catherine purchased MyLife Preventive Imaging and Lakeland Natural Medicine Center in April of 2015. Existing patients are rest assured that both doctors will remain available over a near-term interval. However, Dr. Carol Chandler plans to devote the majority of her time to marketing Med-Hot Infrared Imaging equipment, Dr. Catherine Onuoha meanwhile exuberantly accepts the opportunity to work with Central Florida patients at the Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland.